Tsinghua University-University of Hong Kong Special Seminar on Basic and Clinical Research in Infection and Immunity Visit to Shenji Changhua

, the "Tsinghua University-University of Hong Kong Basic and Clinical Research Camp in 2023 Infection and Immunity" organized teachers and students of the Department of Basic Medicine of Tsinghua University School of Medicine and doctoral students and postdoctoral students from the Li Ka-shing School of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong to visit Shenji Changhua for an in-depth academic exchange and field visit.

Visiting Team Visits Lab

visiting team first visited the office area and laboratory of Shenji Changhua, and experienced the company's innovative achievements in the field of biomedicine. Dr. Song, a researcher at Shenji Changhua, introduced the company's development process, technology platform and ALS disease-related content in detail for the students, and took the students to have a preliminary understanding of the industry status and cutting-edge science in the field of neurodegenerative diseases.

Dr. Song introduces Shen Ji Changhua

In the following session, the CMC leader and manager introduced the current situation and production process of adeno-associated virus (AAV) to the students. The students actively participated in the interaction, and they showed a keen interest in the prospects of gene therapy, the challenges of neurodegenerative diseases, AAV production processes, and the differences between basic scientific research and drug development.

and managers introduce the current situation and production process of AAV gene therapy industry

activity, Jia Yichang, founder of Shenji Changhua and professor of medicine at Tsinghua University, communicated with the students. He shared his story of discovering the key therapeutic target of SNUG01, an AAV gene therapy drug for ALS, and encouraged students to actively participate in basic scientific research and neurodegenerative disease drug research. Professor Jia Yichang emphasized the importance of academic exchanges between the two sides of the strait, expressed his welcome for more international students to join the laboratory, and hoped to jointly contribute to the research of neurodegenerative diseases.

Professor Jia Yichang communicates with visiting students

this exchange activity deepened the visiting team's understanding of drug research and development and production, and strengthened the communication between scientific research institutes and R & D enterprises. As an innovative pharmaceutical company rooted in Tsinghua University, Shenji Changhua not only carries the basic scientific research transformation of Tsinghua University School of Medicine, but also contributes to the undergraduate and graduate education of Tsinghua University. Shenji Changhua will continue to devote itself to scientific research and innovation, promote the development of drug research and development in the field of neurodegenerative diseases, provide more advanced treatment programs for patients around the world, and look forward to the participation of more people with lofty ideals and young blood. work together to conquer neurodegenerative diseases, a mountain that threatens human life and health around the world.